
Many years ago when I was healing from my 15 month crisis I practiced journalling.  I did this for many years until I did not feel the need to do it regularly anymore.  I still do it from time to time, helps me sort out my thoughts and feelings.  It also helps me channel information from my Guides and Higher Self.

During the time I was journalling I wrote “I want to live by the water. I want to wake up every day and see the water.  I want to go to bed every night and see the water before I sleep.  I want to watch the birds play in the water.  Have their babies and watch them grow up and play in the water”.

This journal entry has come up in my mind on several occasions recently and I realized this is exactly what is in my life now.  I have this huge tidal responsive pond behind my condo at Las Palmas.  It is a source of endless beauty and fascination for me.  The water is sometimes very still and reflects like a mirror the sky and buildings around it. The sunset is one of my most favorite times of the day.  The sky is this beautiful shade of blue and orange that can only be seen here in North East Florida.  It takes my breath away.

Other times the water shows that it is full of life.  The fish will jump up and clear the surface and fall back down creating the most incredible ripples.  When it sprinkles rain the drops hitting the surface look like a million little fish coming up for air.  And yes we have tarpon in the pond.  Those fish barely come to the surface and it looks like the pond is boiling in small spots early in the morning.

And the bird!  Oh my gosh, the birds.  We have a flock of ducks that come and go all the time.  I was fortunate enough this spring to watch as a momma duck raised 4 babies.  We have Kingfishers that come by.  You can hear them as the cross the pond with their call to one another.  I’ve seen Roseate Spoonbills, Great Blue Herons, Ibis, White Egrets, Osprey, Hawks of all types, Bald Eagles (yes there are two that live nearby, and they are mated for life) and other water birds too numerous to list.  I also put out a regular bird feeder and get some of the birds that like to hang out in the trees.  Cardinals, tufted titmouse (mice?), blue jays, mocking birds, mourning doves, red bellied woodpeckers, downy woodpeckers, and again more than I can name here.

When I started this quest during a very dark time in my life  many moons ago I litterally prayed and asked to learn how to manifest my desires.  I remember reading books like “The Secret” and praying that someday I would be able to understand and do this manifestation thing.

And it started. It started slow.  It was small at first.  And it was about noticing the little things and how they just appeared.  I wished to see a hawk on my walk and one was there sitting on a railing watching me when I turned a corner. I wished to see a tufted titmouse up close and personal when I saw one in my back yard in Knoxville.  One entered the house and I held it in my hand about 30 minutes later.  These were NOT coincidences.  They never are.

What are your dreams? What is it that you want in your life? Think about that and write it down. Do it as often as you like or only do it once.  This world we live in is ready to gift us with what we want, not just what we need. But what I’ve learned is we have to define it.  And ask nicely with gratitude. The Universe/God will respond and give us everything and more.  That’s all there is to “The Secret”.




2 thoughts on “Manifestation

  1. Hi Mo,
    I met you at Guana River Park this past Saturday. My daughter was petting your sweet dog Shadow on the trail. Just wanted to let you know that it was so nice to meet you. I love your website and this particular blog post spoke to me. I’ve been reading Gabrielle Bernstein’s “The Universe Has Your Back” and this post is exactly what I was reading about. I consider it a little miracle. :). This is beautiful and thank you for sharing!


    1. Was wonderful to meet you and get the support for Shadow on the last leg of his hike on Sunday. So glad this blog resonnated with you. Hope to “bump” into you again and thanks for the feedback, very much appreciated:)


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